We are having a BOY!! :o) And believe you me, I can't WAIT to post the ultrasound pictures! We got such a great shot of his handsome little face - that boy is gonna be a looker ;o)
As another blogger stated so perfectly, " I almost feel guilty for how much love I am experiencing for another man!"
I guess it is ok when the other man is your son. And all though I am sure it will be a kinda of love that I haven't experienced before, it will never out weigh the love for my hubby! He is my number one here on earth ( ;o) there is a wink for you Hubsters)
I think that I will wait and tell you all the details of the ultrasound appointment, and the opening of our gift, etc. for when I can post the pictures a long with it! I promise, it will be more fun that way.
I just had to write a little something about the little man in our life! Gee are we lucky to have ultrasound equipment this day and age - I feel so blessed to have had a glimpse into the womb and watch our little boy do a fist pump (that's right! he totally did a fist pump!)
Pictorials to come..... YAY for babies
Post those pics, because I want to know all the details! Hurry, Hurry!!!
Yay! Congratulations. Nothing like a little boy.