Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where is Spurgeon?

Where is Spurgeon?

What a guy!


  1. hey Misha, what a random post to put on this feed haha but i just noticed you have a cat, be careful while being prego although I am sure you have already been informed, you can not clean out her liter box while pregnant... just wanted to send the info your way incase your dr hasn't asked you if you have a cat. hope all is well :)

  2. thanks for caring and letting me know! very sweet of you. as soon as I heard those glorious words come out of my doctor's mouth - I have taken full advantage of having my man take care of that chore ;o) boy, its good to be pregnant!

  3. What a cute video! Also, great training for Jonathan as he cleans out the litter box ... prepare for changing diapers, Jonathan!!!!!
    Momma 2
