Thursday, May 19, 2011


Sporadic. You know what... I originally spelled it "sporatic" - just goes to show you I am a true English failure! But that's okay because I have people who love me... and you still read my blog, so its all good. Although I am sure I lost some of you out there since I have been so sporadic in my postings. I strongly dislike when I have such long writing strikes, but you know what... I have been busy! So here are some updates on my life (just pretend that you care for a moment):

  • We sent in the preliminary application to Bethany Christian Services to apply as adopting parents! Can't.Even.Believe.I.Just.Typed.That. YAY! Still haven't heard back... waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. maybe they think we are weird?
  • Because we just started the very very beginning of the adoption process, I am now convinced every other second that I could in fact be pregnant. Even though I am absolutely not pregnant... nor are there any signs pointing to that possiblity. So I end this bullet point assuring you (and myself) No. I am indeed NOT pregnant... But I am pregnant by adoption :)
  • My friend Katie and I have officially started our photography business Wild Olive Photography - I can't even type enough words to explain how FREAKING excited I am about this. I - <3 - Photography, and it is the first thing I have ever started and haven't given up on. This is huge, my friend. HUGE. My reason for the success: because it is 100% for adoption (as in all profits go toward our adoption funds - Katie and her family are adopting too!)... so God is literally making it happen. Snapping the shots, if you will, and bringing in clients. I think I have also finally found my niche and passion. My hobby. I am so grateful all around. Once I get our blog pretty and complete I shall post a link ;)
  • WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! So much to talk about on this subject... but I will need to wait for another post on this 1.) because I have a sink full of dishes that needed to be done 20 minutes ago and 2.) I want to take pictures so I can show you the refrigerator ... its from the 80's ;) .... I sense many "before & after" posts on the horizon! We close June 1st. The day before my birthday. Happy Birthday to me.
  • This week Jonathan and I celebrated 3 years of marriage! We have done a lot in 3 years! Bought a house, started down the road of adoption, had a baby, moved to a new town, graduated college, laughed a lot, and ate more Portillo's cheese fries and chili dogs than most people do in a lifetime. I love him.
Okay, I am done for now. It is cold in my house and my fingers are frozen and stiff... makes for many typos. Its all my fingers fault. Okay, that is a lie.


  1. Wowza!! Congratulations on all 5!!! You definitely have been quite the busy bee!!

  2. Thanks! yup... my head has been spinning :)

  3. Yay! You're back w/a post (and a great one at that). :) Thanks for the updates!!!

  4. Happy anniversary! And that's awesome that you've got your adoption application in; I hadn't heard that!

  5. Congrats, Misha!! so many wonderful things happening in your life...God is so faithful!
