Friday, January 14, 2011

raiding the fridge

When I found out I was pregnant with a little boy, everything started making sense... I was HUNGRY all-the-time! I actually was eating about 3 times normal. Whoa. I even read in one of those books that if you are eating like a teenage boy during pregnancy, then chances are... you're having one!



They were right. But, its just that.... I thought that the "fridge raiding" wouldn't start for about, well, 13 years?!? Ya know, when he is a teenager!?


But, so help me God - he'll keep his little paws off my Coke Zero. I love you son but that stuff is Momma's!



Oh, sweetie... sure go ahead and have the diet Pepsi (that stuff is N.A.S.T.Y.)


...canned and jarred refrigerated items have now become toys. Its as if he doesn't even see his kid toys. He has super sonic ears that literally hear the refrigerator door open from the living room - how does he know?!?! I open the door and [pat-pat-pat-pat]...


.. here come the little hands and knees a around corner, practically falling over himself as he speeds to the bright light pouring out of that huge cold box.

And once he got bored with the fridge, he was off to conquer our makeshift baby gate:


Mission accomplished.

That little booger! Don't worry, we've purchased a real gate since then ;)

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