My Davin is 1 month old (and 2 days to be exact)! Did 4 weeks really just pass? At the same time... it's only been 4 weeks??
I feel like this will be the reoccurring phenomenon at every month that passes, then at every year that passes until one day I will find myself sitting at college graduation as he walks across and then at the front row of a church watching him get married, and then at the waiting room of a hospital as his first child is born.
Life seems so short when you look at it like this. I must not get ahead of myself! I sit everyday and find myself in one irresistible moment after another that I never want to let go of - I can already feel my heart grasping for it as it passes, knowing that life is so short! He is already 4 weeks old! My baby... my baby will not be a baby forever.
I am grasping!!
I don't want to let go of the precious moments where he lays his head on my chest and stays there - eyes open or eyes closed - he stays there. Cuddles. He smells so baby like.. so good.

But he is not mine to keep. He belongs to the Lord and I have simply been entrusted with this little life and blessed beyond all explainable words to cherish those cuddle moments. Not to mention his squawking, "talking", and cooing that have inhabited his wake times. He smiles so big and lets out an "AHHH OOOOooo squawk!" as if he is telling me something... telling me how goofy I look, making all the faces and talking so weird. Or maybe, "Oh momma, I love you"
One day...

I can't get enough pictures. And I literally cannot post enough on here, it takes SO LONG! So find me on facebook... they are all there!
His facial expressions are absolutely the best.

Davin, this first month with you has been more precious than I could have ever imagined! The sleepless night have been worth it, pal! This whole mothering thing ain't easy, but the rewards are so sweet. We love you little buddy.

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