HA! aww yes..... I can make quite the mess, no doubt. But it really doesn't help that my oversize, nearing due date, prego belly is like a magnet to all things food.
Lets talk about that for a moment. Ever since the belly popped - as in, can't see the toes and I'm using it as a shelf - my belly has turned into a bib and I have taken on the roll of messy baby eater.
At every meal... no exaggerations, every meal there is at least one spot or dribble of food found on the belly. So as you can imagine, laundry is a killer!(mainly, because at this point I have all of 3 shirts that fit comfortably, 1 hoodie, and 1 pair of yoga pants that I wear everyday!)
So hear we are, Ashley-Nicole and I are sitting at the table after dinner talking when I decide that it would be interesting to play with the pepper shaker.... hummm, yeeeessssss. It had this rubbery cork thing on the bottom (to keep the pepper in there, duh Misha) and I just really liked pushing on it with my pinky finger.
Humm.. Curious human being, I know... When all of a sudden *POP* and the Niagra Falls of pepper went all down -- you guessed it -- the belly. sigh... I should have seen that one coming. Not because I was pushing on the rubber stopper, no, because the belly had yet to draw food upon it! I had clearly made it through the entire dinner without dripping food. (and to top it off my finger was STUCK!)
Go figure!
Ashley-Nicole was so funny. She immediately hopped up, "whadda I do?!! what do you want me to do?!!" HA!!
Needless to say we had a good laugh and Jonathan came around the corner to burst into laughter too. It was kinda fun, I could smell pepper everywhere for the rest of the night.
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